歌人 北久保まりこ
公的にも私的にも、今年に相応しい締めくくりとなりました。Gabriela Zaneva 氏、Dimitar Aniev 氏に心より御礼申し上げます。
speting snow
or petals of sahuru
falling falling
like ashes
in Ukraine (Mariko)
trains geing west
a child's stuffed bear
stares out the window (Deborah)
whose uniform...
a sunflower sprout
comes out
of the camouflage
pocket (Mariko)
the caws of crows
footage of survivors
underground (Deborah)
searching for
better days...
repeated invasions
in our layered
past (Mariko)
petal storm
is there a chance
for peace (Deborah)
貴方のオンライン詩歌誌Heliosparrowに、Deborah P Kolodji追悼のための、私とKathabelaによるTan-Ku 作品を掲載していただき、本当にありがとうございます。
of the bridge,
stream sounds ...
miss you so
in the reflections (M)
a flute plays
in the same garde
your voice (K)
Mariko Kitakubo, Kathabela Wilson (Tan-Ku)
Poets Salon
Positive Energy
Hosted by Kathabela Wilson
is always lonely sky...
the jacaranda
fireworks finale
far away and yet...
the meteor shower
lights up the sky
palm leaf sounds...
turquoise manicure
in midsummer
resting on the shore
bringing us closer
your thumb as you hang
the tanzaku
our matching wishes
Mariko and Debbie
Mariko Kitakubo is a tanka poet in Tokyo, Japan.
Deborah P Kolodji wrote haiku in Temple Oty, CA.
Kathabela Wilson welcomes a short poem sent to : editorial@coloradoblvd.net
These are the last two new works written together by dear friends Marike Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji They created this form called Tan-Ku la combination of Tanka by Mariko and Haiku by Debbie) Distance is a a collection of their work together in 2023 by Shabda Press. Deborah's newest book, Vital Signs, Haiku glimpses of moments in her cancer journey was published in 2024 by Cuttlefish Books In Vital Signs, Deborah sees the condor come back from extinction as a metaphor for the cancer patient fighting for one's own survival.
Deborah P Kolodji passed away in her sleep on July 21, 20:24 after a long struggle with cancer. Her positive energy, beautiful writing and leadership in eur poetry world continues to inspire us all
Under the Bashoに、序文としてのTan-Ku5作品が掲載されました。
Under the Bashoの皆様、どうもありがとうございました。
Fireworks – a Tan-Ku
Written by: Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
Published: 09 August 2024
is always lonely sky...
the jacaranda
fireworks finale (M)
far away and yet…
the meteor shower
lights up the sky (D)
Mariko Kitakubo
Deborah P Kolodji
Mariko writes:
This is the one of our last Tan-Ku set published in Colorado Boulevard.net.
I subconsciously wrote something that predicted her death, and she responded kindly to it.
I will continue to live with her spirit, supported by our eternal bond.
Golden Poppies – a Tan-Ku
Written by: Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
Published: 09 August 2024
at the end
of the world
you are forgotten
sunshine seeds (M)
lashes flutter
as I dream
golden poppies (D)
colors of dawn
on the packet
the disabled artist
opens my eyes (M)
morning light
I reach for a pair
of gardening gloves (D)
my rebirth
in the early summer
Invisible tiny lives
in a soft lump of soil (M)
in the rich earth
I long for your blooms (D)
Mariko Kitakubo
Deborah P Kolodji
Cape May – a Tan-Ku
Written by: Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
Published: 09 August 2024
without talk
just smiles for each other
two beach chairs
at sunset
we need nothing (M)
lull tide
two gulls skim
the horizon (D)
the cloud-shaped
standing on the dune
I believe in miracles (M)
the music of the sea
calms my weary spirit
footprints in the sand (D)
am I searching for...
the tracks
seabirds leave (M)
land’s end
our eyes on the lighthouse
against the clouds (D)
Mariko Kitakubo
Deborah P Kolodji
Prehistory – a Tan-Ku
Written by: Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
Published: 09 August 2024
what did he
that night
super blue moon
over the Balkans (M)
summer evening
the clarity
of my hearing aid (D)
better not to know
the lilies of the field
the birds of the air (M)
butterflies flitter
flower to flower
dreams (D)
the lost
Greater Adria
transparent wings
of giant dragonflies (M)
plucking petals
from a daisy
my own evolution (D)
Mariko Kitakubo
Deborah P Kolodji
Passengers – a Tan-Ku
Written by: Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
Published: 09 August 2024
trains to return
home ...
long railway
through grasslands (M)
midnight silence
the sound of a far off
air whistle (D)
I can't remember
the name of the bridge...
still playing
hide and seek
with mom's ghost (M)
bare hills
my mother’s stories
about the troop train (D)
the door
opens and closes
so many faces...
departure bell
for my life ,again (M)
Cabernet Sauvignon
I sit in the dining car
alone (D)
Mariko Kitakubo
Deborah P Kolodji
7月24日(アメリカ時間)、オンライン詩歌誌 Colorado Boulevardに私とMs. Deborah P Kolodji の最後のTan-Ku2作品が掲載されました。
彼女の他界から3日後に、紙面に掲載を決めて下さいましたWafic Khalil氏とKathabela Wilson氏に深く御礼を申し上げます。ありがとうございました。
is always lonely sky…
the jacaranda
fireworks finale (M)
far away and yet…
the meteor shower
lights up the sky (D)
palm leaf sounds…
turquoise manicure
in midsummer
resting on the shore
bringing us closer (M)
your thumb as you hang
the tanzaku
our matching wishes (D)
Rattle83号に掲載されましたDeborah P Kolodji氏と私のTan-Ku作品が、私達の朗読音声と共にOn Line で配信されました。
アメリカの著名な詩歌雑誌 Rattle 83号(最新号)、Collaboration特集に、Deborah P Kolodji 氏と私の新作Tan-Ku、Hubris が掲載されました。
エディターのTim Green氏に、心より御礼申し上げます。
the distorted
he smiles to me
from the white limousine (M)
blue green shimmers
a peacock struts
his stuff (D)
Online 詩歌誌、Shot Glass Journal様、Deborahとの新作Tan-Ku三作品をご掲載頂きありがとうございました。
※画像をクリックすると Shot Glass Journalのページが表示されます。
The Wait
by Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
high tide
makes me
defenseless. . .
ancient blue of
the Pacific Ocean (M)
your ship shrinking
into the horizon
I wait ashore (D)
by Deborah P Kolodji and Mariko Kitakubo
morning sunshine
the snow where
you are (D)
invisible now
but I'm sure
flowering power
will surround us (M)
by Mariko Kitakubo and Deborah P Kolodji
this sunset
is only for today
step by step
I'll be able to
start a new life (M)
ocean swallowing
the remaining light
moonrise? (D)
British Haiku Society の詩歌誌、Blithe SpiritのVol. 33 Number4に、DISTANCEの書評が掲載されました。
偉大な音楽家バッハや画家、マティスやセザンヌの芸術に擬えて、素晴らしい評をお書き下さいました評者のA A Marcoff氏、どうもありがとうございました。
また、貴重な紙面をさいて下さいましたBlithe Spirit編者の皆様にも、心から御礼を申し上げます。
Distance by Mariko Kitakubo, Deborah P Kolodji, Shabda Press, 2023, paperback, 94 pages,
Mariko (Japan) writes tanka. Deborah (California) writes haiku. After the pandemic brought them together on the internet, these two great voices are now become as sisters in poetry, linked across the ocean, and in their book of tanka and haiku in combinations (Tan-Ku), they have composed a magical, sublime duet, improvisations in realities and dreams.
Constructed with echo, counterpoint and reprise, this book seems like a Bach concerto for two interweaving violins. The two poets are dream- travellers, and at times touch the cosmos in a 'Music of the Galaxy'. But in this haiku, we are brought from the stars right down to earth:
of the universe
a boy and his dog
In mirrors of the soul, Distance offers us a little kaleidoscope of everything, in 'emanations' (Matisse) and 'realisations' (Cezanne), that takes us from Samarkand and the Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania (with its cradle or creation of the species), to Asakusa and the Senso-ji Temple in Tokyo. Sometimes we are led through a Torii (Shinto gateway) that marks a transition from the mundane to the sacred. These haiku and tanka were created in the spontaneity of the moment out of an emotion heightened by the pandemic. Several times I heard reverberations of the Zen koan, 'show me your face before you were born'.
Both poets are seasoned practitioners, and both are well-travelled. Mariko in particular, by all accounts a deeply impressive performer of her tanka, has taken her art all over the globe, and has made tanka truly international, touching so many hearts and minds:
the antique glass
comes into the world
spring snow
or petals of sakura
falling falling
like ashes in Ukraine
Deborah, Moderator of the Southern California Haiku Study Group, has travelled to Tokyo to do a haiku presentation:
the sea pounding
even in my dreams
bees in soft petals
I open my arms
to the sun
Together they have given us the light of the stars, and the raw beauty and authenticity of things. They write with real flair, with the flow of things (they quote Heraclitus and his concept of 'Panta Rhei' ('Everything flows')), in spontaneous observations and essentials. We are left with the human condition, the way of life itself, couched in small poems that express the inexpressible with wonder. This is a book to love - absolutely. Absolutely in a relative world.
A A Marcoff
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